Despite the majority of our work being focussed around weddings, we do actually photograph a wide variety of subjects. Here's a great example of something different we were involved in lately. So when Peter Stark needed images of his pre-season kart test for some of his sponsors, We were only too happy to oblige...
Black & Lizars opticians in Aberdeen sponsor Peter and his kart racing. They also helped peter to find perfect frames to fit inside his racing helmet. Not an easy task, there isn't a lot of room for movement inside one of those race spec lids.
(Fun fact: Peter has his crash helmet personalised with custom artwork done by the very same artist known to design and paint Lewis Hamilton's own helmets, pretty cool huh?!)
Everything was going great and the kart was running beautifully despite the wet conditions. However a fault was discovered in the form of a sheared disc brake mounting bracket. Better to find these developing issues before race season though.